HD67056-B2-160 Description : Converter ADFweb Vietnam
HD67056-B2-160 Description : Converter ADFweb Vietnam The HD67056-B2-xxx is a M-Bus Master / BACnet/IP Converter.
The HD67056-MSTP-xxx is a M-Bus Master / BACnet MSTP/PTP Converter.
It allows the following characteristics:
Electrical isolation between Ethernet and M-Bus (for HD67056-B2-xxx serie);
Electrical isolation between RS485/RS232 and M-Bus (for HD67056-MSTP-xxx serie);
Baud Rate and Parity changeable with software;
Mountable on 35mm Rail DIN;
Power Supply 15…21V AC or 18…35V DC;
Temperature range -40°C to 85°C.
At the Converter can be connected up to 250 standard M-Bus devices. This number depends of the code expressed by the xxx number:
HD67056-B2-20 and HD67056-MSTP-20 support up to 20 M-Bus devices;
HD67056-B2-40 and HD67056-MSTP-40 support up to 40 M-Bus devices;
HD67056-B2-80 and HD67056-MSTP-80 support up to 80 M-Bus devices;
HD67056-B2-160 and HD67056-MSTP-160 support up to 160 M-Bus devices;
HD67056-B2-250 and HD67056-MSTP-250 support up to 250 M-Bus devices.
You need Compositor SW67056 software on your PC in order to perform the following:
Define the parameter of BACnet line;
Define the parameter of M-Bus line;
Define which M-Bus variables are readable on BACnet ;
Update the device.
Industrial Electronic Devices
ADFweb.com S.r.l.
User Manual M-Bus Master / BACnet Slave
Document code: MN67056_ENG Revision 1.130 Page 8 of 35
The devices can be powered at 15…21V AC and 18…35V DC. The consumption depends to the code of the device. For more details see the
two tables below.
HD67056-B2-160 Description : Converter ADFweb Vietnam
xem thêm sản phẩm : https://automation.pitesvietnam.com/
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